Sunday, September 3, 2023

Thai Kitchen - O'Fallon - Food Establishment Inspection Report
Thai Kitchen - O'Fallon - Food Establishment Inspection Report - Rating Score 100%

O'FALLON, MO (StLouisRestaurantReview) Food Establishment Inspection Reports are viewed and considered more now than ever after the pandemic lockdown.  100% Rating Scores deserve the attention!

Thai Kitchen - O'Fallon recently remodeled this facility to expand the dining, kitchen, and storage space.  Sasimonthon Ongartsutthikuo's owner said, "I'm very proud of my staff."  She never dreamed of getting a 100% score but appreciates the employees' effort to make this possible and show the community that they care about their safety.

Recently, Ongartsutthikul opened a pickup and delivery location in the new ghost kitchen concept on Hampton Avenue called The Hill Food Co. and is opening a location in Maryland Heights that will operate as Thai Mama, not Thai Kitchen.  Still, the menu and service will be the same.

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