Sunday, February 20, 2022

St. Louis Restaurant Review added to STL.Directory
STL.Directory listed St. Louis Restuarna Review maximizing our online visibility.

ST LOUIS, MO (StLouisRestaurantReview) We have been added to STL.Directory.  It is an online directory featuring local businesses and news.  STL.Directory is an affiliate site and is used to help promote local businesses, restaurants, and more.  STL.Directory announced our listing today, Sunday, February 20, 2022.

Online directory listings are critical to a business website because the links that point to your website tell Google and other search engines that you are a relevant business.  They are called citations.  Critical to your SEO efforts.

To be listed on STL.Directory call 314-808-1870 or email Marty@STLMedia.Agency.

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